Saturday, November 20, 2010


One thing I've noticed and have yet to get used to since I've been back is how incredibly overwhelming grocery stores are. I mean, there are aisles upon aisles of store- and brand-name products. I remember the days when I could be in and out of Publix with an entire weeks' worth of groceries in no time. Now it takes me ages to pick items as I stand and stare at the vast amount of choices.

Do I want regular, low-fat, reduced-fat, fat-free, or light salad dressing? How about regular, double-stuffed, chocolate, mint, or peanut butter Oreos? (Double-stuffed of course, this is only an example). And when you finally do make a flavor/health choice, it takes another 5 minutes to pick a brand. And oh goodness, WHAT SIZE?!

I can't take it, I just can't right now. My first few times shopping I felt completely lost. I literally stood in front of the massive shelves of cereal with my mouth hanging open. I've always been bad at making decisions as it is. How in the world can I do it when I have so many choices? I dread having to go grocery shopping now. Or just shopping in general really (don't even get me started on Walmart!). I'm sure the feeling will pass as I get more accustomed to being back in the land of the supersized, I just find it funny that it never bothered me before. It was just how things are and I guess I didn't know any different.

*One more thing... produce. Or for me specifically- apples. I bought a few Red Delicious and they are twice the size (but unfortunately half the flavor) of the apples in Switzerland. That would be thanks to all of the hormones and other drugs we love to pump into our foods...

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