Monday, November 8, 2010

Road Trip!

Roanoke, VA--> Woodstock (Atlanta), GA--> Gainesville, FL--> Riverview (Tampa), FL
Travel time: 31 1/2 hours.     Drive time: 15 hours

I convinced my bro to drive down with me so a- I wouldn't have to spend 15 hours in the car alone, b- I would have a backup driver while I "relearn" how to drive, and c- I could put him to work moving my stuff! The drive was pretty uninteresting... We played a lot of rounds of 20 questions and punched each other during the license plate game. One thing I noted was how the further south we travelled, the worse spelling mistakes got at the gas stations we stopped in. My favorite was one that promised they accepted "both debit and critid." Seriously?

We were lucky enough to break the drive into 2 days, with a one-night stopover in Woodstock, GA to visit my dear friend Kristen, who has- since the last time we saw each other- managed to get both engaged and knocked up! Glad I got to see her and meet this man of hers so I could approve (which I did!). Her mom also treated us to a delicious dinner. I love Southern hospitality :)

On day two, en route to Gainesville to reclaim my furniture from storage, the skies opened up and let loose like it hadn't rained all year. Too bad for Jeff I'd decided earlier that he should drive... We managed to make it to Gville unscathed and the rain mercifully stopped for just the 15 minutes it took to load the rented truck, then we got back on I-75 and made it to Tampa in good time. Too good, in fact, because we got to Jon's house before Jon was even off work. And of course he was then asked to stay late as well. After sitting in his driveway for nearly an hour, he did call to say he'd remembered the code for the garage door so we could at least wait inside the house. And here I am!

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