Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ami-style Halloween

Oh goodness, Halloween in America rocks! It's so nice to have kids come to the door asking for candy all dressed up and excited (or on a sugar high). And the adults get to have fun too! Everyone knows Halloween is an excuse for most girls to "dress" in as little as possible, while guys can put on a mask and go. How unfair is this, btw? The guys get an eyeful and meanwhile the girls don't even know what they look like... Anyway, the point is that at least everyone dresses up. Granted, while in Switzerland I did attend a couple of Halloween parties and my friends dressed up, but once we left said party and went to a club we would be the only ones dressed in costumes, making us feel completely out of place. On the flip side, going to a bar/club on Halloween here without wearing a costume makes you the outcast.

Life in Roanoke, Virginia may be boring (my brother and I have deemed Roanoke the place "where fun goes to die"), but Halloween was quite fun! We found the one day of the year that is actually worth living here! Saturday night the restaurant/bar where Jeff works was having a giant Halloween party and costume contest so I decided to go check it out. It being a last-minute decision, I had nothing to do but recycle my costume from last year- a mime. I quite like being a mime because it is an excellent excuse to not talk to people if you don't want to. Let's just say it came in handy this year as well.

Anyway, I saw some way-cool costumes, and here are my favorites:

My bro with Russel Brand & Katy Perry

Not sure, but super cool

Alan from The Hangover of course

Birds of prey

Not bad, right? I wish I hadn't been so shy about asking to take pictures of people because there really were some excellent costumes. Of course there were a few Snookies and Lady Gagas, a bunch of Guidos (I even saw a "Guido Kit" at Spencer's Gifts, complete with spiky hair wig and brown/orangy body paint for the tan) and vampires, but the majority of the costumes were really creative. Oh yeah, the guys dressed as birds of prey won $500 for first place. Not too shabby! And there was a guy dressed as Jason who was creeping me out the entire night as he stayed in character and just walked really slowly around the bar staring at people. Oh yes, and as a cop from Reno 911 my brother had his ass grabbed and slapped throughout the night- by both males and females!

Overall it has a been a fun Halloween weekend and I am glad to be in the US for it!  Now I have next weekend to look forward to as I am moving to Tampa! And before that I am stopping in Atlanta to hang out with my sister-from-another-mister. Fun times ahead!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Here We Go Again...

My first year in Switzerland I attempted this blogging thing by writing at least a weekly account of all of my new adventures. I did pretty well, too, until I got a boyfriend and my time became otherwise occupied. Newly single and back in the good ole U.S. of A., I've decided to give it another shot. I do realize that my stories won't be nearly as exciting because I'm no longer living in a foreign land, but weird stuff happens in America all the time so who knows what I may come across! Stay tuned...